Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: How can I access the app Settings?

    • A: Tap the Settings Wheel in the top-right corner of your Profile page. This will take you to the Settings page. In addition to being able to adjust the app theme or logout, you will find your wallet details and referral code, both of which you can tap to copy and share.

  • Q: Does "Liking" a post trigger an onchain transaction?

    • A: No. Only posting and collecting triggers an onchain transaction on Popset. Likes are primarily to give users an additional method of engaging within the app.

  • Q: How do I "Follow" other users?

    • A: Tap the Follow button on another user's Profile Page in order to Follow them and have them appear in your "For You" feed. You can also tap the Follow button that appears when searching for the user from the Explore & Search Page or on other lists (i.e., "collected by" lists, "liked by" lists) that appear within the app.

  • Q: How do I "Block" other users?

    • A: Tap the expanded menu button on another user's profile and select "Block User" from the pop-up menu. This will stop the user from showing up on your feeds.

  • Q: How do I report inappropriate content, especially content that may be in violation of Popset's content policy?

    • A: Tap the expanded menu button on any post and select the "Report Post" flag from the pop-up menu. This will flag the content as inappropriate to the Popset team.

  • Q: What does the Popset team do with inappropriate content reports?

    • A: Popset has a strict content policy in order to ensure the app remains a healthy and appropriate environment for all users. Popset utilizes content moderation during the posting process to prevent inappropriate content from being uploaded. In the event inappropriate content is not caught during this screening, flagged content will be reviewed by the Popset team and can be removed if it is deemed to be a violation of our policies.

Last updated