Creating a Post

Creating and sharing content on Popset is designed to be intuitive and enjoyable.

  1. Start a New Post: Tap on the camera (+) icon at the bottom right of the navigation bar.

  2. Select or Capture an Image: Take a new photo using the app's camera feature or choose an image from your library.

  3. Add a Caption: Write a caption for your post to give it context or tell a story. Tap on the "Caption" field and enter your text.

  4. Set Collection Options: Decide if you want your post to be available for collection. You can specify the number of editions and the duration of the collecting window. Learn more about the different types of posts on Popset here.

    1. Toggle "Available for Collection" if you'd like to make this post available to be collected by others.

    2. Toggle "Supply Limit" if you'd like to make this a supply-limited edition. Otherwise, collectible posts default to be open editions.

    3. Toggle "End Date" to enter the end of the collection window if you'd like to make this a time-limited edition.

  5. Submit Post: Hit the orange "Post" bar at the bottom of the screen to submit your post.

Keep in mind that posts on Popset are forever minted to the Solana blockchain so make sure that you are happy with your final edits and collection options selection. All posts must comply with Popset's content policy and terms of use.

Last updated